
Displaying 21 - 22 of 22

JavaScript variable scoping compared to C

For the most part, JavaScript looks like a C-like language in syntax. Lines end (optionally) with semicolons, conditional expressions are in parentheses (e.g. if (a == 1)), and blocks are surrounded by braces. But there are some huge differences in both syntax and behavior. JavaScript is weakly typed, and its object oriented programming is prototype-based, much different from C++/Java. And for someone who understands how memory for C variables is allocated, JavaScript has a number of surprises in its variables and variable scoping.

  1. There's no block-level scoping,
  2. ...

Selenium IDE vs Selenium Webdriver vs CasperJS

Or more specifically: Selenium IDE (Firefox plugin) vs Selenium Webdriver (Python and other languages) vs CasperJS (and PhantomJS or SlimerJS)

Selenium allows you, a programmer or non-programmer, to control a web browser and make it do things that you would otherwise do manually. With that ability, you can test your website over and over (and automatically from cron), similate users, or visit any number of web pages and read data (web scraping) on them and save to a file for processing.

If you go to the Selenium website you will...