List of all Vim script events

To get an idea of what Vimscript is capable of, take a look at all the events it can react to because basically your script won't do much except when something happens (usually caused by the user) and your script reacts. For example, do something when opening a file, or highlighting a word, or hitting some trigger key. You don't want your script to just be running constantly in a loop in the background, and you also don't want it to stall Vim during its handling of events, including at startup. If you go through Vim's built-in documentation you can find the list of events but I've created some tables to make it easier to view online. You've probably noticed these before in other people's VIm scripts or in .vimrc lines you've copied and pasted (the Buf* events like BufRead or BufWrite are common).

First an overview by function with a short explanation. Then the list alphabetically with full explanations autocmd-events-abc.

Name| triggered by


Event Description
BufNewFile starting to edit a file that doesn't exist
BufReadPre starting to edit a new buffer, before reading the file
BufRead starting to edit a new buffer, after reading the file
BufReadPost starting to edit a new buffer, after reading the file
BufReadCmd before starting to edit a new buffer Cmd-event
FileReadPre before reading a file with a ":read" command
FileReadPost after reading a file with a ":read" command
FileReadCmd before reading a file with a ":read" command Cmd-event
FilterReadPre before reading a file from a filter command
FilterReadPost after reading a file from a filter command
StdinReadPre before reading from stdin into the buffer
StdinReadPost After reading from the stdin into the buffer


Event Description
BufWrite starting to write the whole buffer to a file
BufWritePre starting to write the whole buffer to a file
BufWritePost after writing the whole buffer to a file
BufWriteCmd before writing the whole buffer to a file Cmd-event
FileWritePre starting to write part of a buffer to a file
FileWritePost after writing part of a buffer to a file
FileWriteCmd before writing part of a buffer to a file Cmd-event
FileAppendPre starting to append to a file
FileAppendPost after appending to a file
FileAppendCmd before appending to a file Cmd-event
FilterWritePre starting to write a file for a filter command or diff
FilterWritePost after writing a file for a filter command or diff


Event Description
BufAdd just after adding a buffer to the buffer list
BufCreate just after adding a buffer to the buffer list
BufDelete before deleting a buffer from the buffer list
BufWipeout before completely deleting a buffer
BufFilePre before changing the name of the current buffer
BufFilePost after changing the name of the current buffer
BufEnter after entering a buffer
BufLeave before leaving to another buffer
BufWinEnter after a buffer is displayed in a window
BufWinLeave before a buffer is removed from a window
BufUnload before unloading a buffer
BufHidden just after a buffer has become hidden
BufNew just after creating a new buffer
SwapExists detected an existing swap file


Event Description
FileType when the 'filetype' option has been set
Syntax when the 'syntax' option has been set
EncodingChanged after the 'encoding' option has been changed
TermChanged after the value of 'term' has changed

Startup and exit

Event Description
VimEnter after doing all the startup stuff
GUIEnter after starting the GUI successfully
GUIFailed after starting the GUI failed
TermResponse after the terminal response to t_RV is received
QuitPre when using :quit, before deciding whether to quit
VimLeavePre before exiting Vim, before writing the viminfo file
VimLeave before exiting Vim, after writing the viminfo file


Event Description
FileChangedShell Vim notices that a file changed since editing started
FileChangedShellPost After handling a file changed since editing started
FileChangedRO before making the first change to a read-only file
ShellCmdPost after executing a shell command
ShellFilterPost after filtering with a shell command
FuncUndefined a user function is used but it isn't defined
SpellFileMissing a spell file is used but it can't be found
SourcePre before sourcing a Vim script
SourceCmd before sourcing a Vim script Cmd-event
VimResized after the Vim window size changed
FocusGained Vim got input focus
FocusLost Vim lost input focus
CursorHold the user doesn't press a key for a while
CursorHoldI the user doesn't press a key for a while in Insert mode
CursorMoved the cursor was moved in Normal mode
CursorMovedI the cursor was moved in Insert mode
WinEnter after entering another window
WinLeave before leaving a window
TabEnter after entering another tab page
TabLeave before leaving a tab page
CmdwinEnter after entering the command-line window
CmdwinLeave before leaving the command-line window
InsertEnter starting Insert mode
InsertChange when typing while in Insert or Replace mode
InsertLeave when leaving Insert mode
InsertCharPre when a character was typed in Insert mode, before inserting it
TextChanged after a change was made to the text in Normal mode
TextChangedI after a change was made to the text in Insert mode
ColorScheme after loading a color scheme
RemoteReply a reply from a server Vim was received
QuickFixCmdPre before a quickfix command is run
QuickFixCmdPost after a quickfix command is run
SessionLoadPost after loading a session file
MenuPopup just before showing the popup menu
CompleteDone after Insert mode completion is done
User to be used in combination with ":doautocmd"