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Should you use Kotlin?

I spent some time looking at a relatively unknown programming language called Kotlin today. Kotlin was designed by a company rather than by academics in a computer science department. The company happens to make and sell an IDE so perhaps they are hoping that as the language becomes more popular and programmers need an IDE to use it they will become customers of JetBrains, the company behind Kotlin.

The basic description of the language goes like this: Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine

Kotlin is yet another language that...

Assembly language vs Bytecode vs WebAssembly vs Asm.js


In the beginning there was a CPU. And the CPU could be loaded with data which were numbers and these magical numbers would cause the CPU to process those numbers and produce new numbers. This data which the CPU was running, the numbers fed into the computer, was machine code. And all programming of computers that's still done today ultimately ends up turning into machine code for the CPU, binary machine code being the only thing a computer can understand.

But long series of numbers, where each 256 or more unique numbers has special meaning which changes depending...